Monday, July 21, 2008

Camp Meeting Day 1

We had a great time tonight. We had people going to the altar and worshipping God. We actually thought that we might not have any preaching, because the service was going really good. I was hoping we would have preaching though, because I wanted to hear Bro. Delmar Rogers preach. I say he preached about 10 minutes or so. He did a very good job. He is one of my favorite preachers.

He read 2 Kings 2:7-15 and his text was, "Where is the Lord God of Elijah? (v.14)" He talked about the power of God and people needing to pick up the mantles of people who have passed on. I related with this message a lot, because lately I have been feeling I was born in the wrong time period. I even said that at my church one night, but I also made the statement that God let me be born in this generation for a reason. I hear the old timers talk about the church services years ago and I wish I could have been around then. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy church, but I would like for the fire to fall and we could have us a good time in the Lord. Brother Delmar had them to pass out a song before church started, it is called "Let Thy Mantle Fall On Me." Here are the words to the song.

Let Thy Mantle Fall On Me

Elijah was God's prophet; Elisha stood close by,
And ere the prophet left him, He heard his servant cry.

Chorus: Let thy mantle fall on me; Let thy mantle fall on me.
A double portion of Thy Spirit, Lord - Let thy mantle fall on me.

Then Elijah made the promise; That, if faithful he would be,
His petition would be granted, And God's glory he would see.

Chorus: Let thy mantle fall on me; Let thy mantle fall on me.
A double portion of Thy Spirit, Lord - Let thy mantle fall on me.

As Elijah rose to heaven; In a chariot of fire,
He did not forget his servant, Who expressed one strong desire;

Chorus: Let thy mantle fall on me; Let thy mantle fall on me.
A double portion of Thy Spirit, Lord - Let thy mantle fall on me.

In the Upper Room they waited - 'Twas the faithful Christian band,
And their prayer was heard and answered Over in the glory land.

Chorus: Let Thy Spirit fall on me; Let Thy Spirit fall on me.
The promised blessing may it be out poured. Let Thy Spirit fall on me.

That prayer of early Christians, Long ago and far away,
Is the cry of all God's children; And He's just the same today!

Chorus: Let Thy Spirit fall on me; Let Thy Spirit fall on me.
The promised blessing may it be out poured. Let Thy Spirit fall on me.

Update on Bryan Witt!! We had eight preachers ordained tonight and Bryan's son Shaun was ordained. The preachers would have someone to escort them down the aisle, so Shaun had his mom and dad walk down the aisle with him. When Bryan passed I noticed he has a white bandage over his finger, but other than that he looks fine. Thanks to everyone who prayed for him.


Anonymous said...

I've been recently reflecting on why I was born in this generation (which I fully believe is the last).

God must have a lot of faith in us to have allowed us to be the ones to see the final prophecies come to pass.

This generation of Christians will lead people to Christ before his second coming. What an awesome (and somewhat overwhelming) responsibility! We should feel extremely blessed and privileged! Why did he choose us to live in this generation? Makes you wonder...

Nina in Portugal said...

Thanks Starla for stopping by my blog. ----Boy, Campmeetings.....I'm going to miss those. No Campmeetings in Portugal. I'll Pray the Lord blessed abundantly!