Last night was the last night for Spring Jubilee (sighing). The choir sung "Won't It Be Wonderful There" and "Heaven's Jubilee." I really enjoyed the choir a lot last night. I love both songs. Mike Upright & Standing Tall sung. There were three songs that I really enjoyed, "Adam, Eve, and Me," "Gone," and "Winning Either Way."
Last night they done a special presentation of Show & Tell (cardboard testimonies). Calvin Ray Evans said that he was going to have 30 to 50 people help preach his message. He read from Luke 5:12-15 and said that God has no limitations! He said that he didn't like when people said they don't believe in prayer or miracles because getting saved is one of the biggest miracles in any one's life. Then they started the presentation. There were so many signs and I can't mention them all but I will mention a few.
One family came to the stage and the lady was in a wheelchair. They held her sign up and it said, "Sitting here in my wheelchair waiting on my change." They turned the sign over and it said, "What a change that will be." Jacob Berry's sign said, "People said I'd never be able to talk." His mom helped him turn his sign over and it said, "God said he would be my mouthpiece." A man and woman came on the stage and their sign said, "Prayed years for children." Then a boy came out and his sign said, "Mom and Dad adopted me in 1990." He turned his sign over and it said, "Jesus adopted me in 1997."
After the presentation they had altar call. Some people went to the altar for healing and some went to get saved. After the service they told that all together 11 souls were saved. So that means they had 3 saved last night. I can't believe it is over, but that's OK because this coming Monday they are starting a revival at the church here in the community. I'm really looking forward to it.