Friday, February 6, 2009

God on the Mountain

The other night when we were coming home from my friend Buck's church. We were listening to The Cruz Boys sing "God on the Mountain." I always did like how they sung it. I don't know if they could sing it like they use too because three of the boys have grown up and they probably couldn't hit their high notes now. The other Cruz Boy was the boys' dad. I wish I could share their version of the song, but I only have the song on a tape. I found another video on YouTube of the song though.

Psalm 139:3 Thou compassest my path and my lying down, and art acquainted with all my ways.

In the first verse of the song it says we are never alone. And Psalm 139:3 says God knows when I lie down and he knows my ways. So if you ever feel alone, remember God is with you in the valleys and on the mountain tops.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Please Go With Me!

Last night we went to my friend's church for the start of their revival. Brother Paul Hagen preached and as always did a great job. When he was preaching, this verse kept coming to my mind. He was talking about how God lets you go through things because he knows that you will come through it.

I read this verse the other day in Exodus and it gave me comfort. Moses was praying to God and he said...

And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence. Exodus 33:15

You know what happened God answered his prayer. Even if the children of Israel wondered around for 40 years God still answered Moses' prayer because they made it to the place God wanted them to be. When I read that I said to myself, if you (God) are not going to be with me then I should just curl up and die. And guess what, He is with me. Sometimes even though I know God is with me I don't want to go on, but praise God, He is still with me! When I get to a place in my life that I don't think I make it, I feel God and I know he is telling me to go on that I'm going to make it.

Seriously folks if God is not going to be with us there is no reason to go on. But if you haven't got it by now HE IS WITH US!!!!

Psalm 37:25 I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.

That is such a beautiful verse and it is a promise. Now there are some promises in the Bible that we can't inherit because they are for Israel, but I know this is one promise that can be for anyone who believes and trusts in God. Because I've seen my dad out of work because he was fired due to an illness and we never once went hungry. He always testifies and says he was laying in the hospital, he lost his job, his tire blew out on the car when my brother was taking us home from visiting him at the hospital and you know what happened. He was dismissed from the hospital went and put brand new tires on the car and paid for them with cash. Only God can do something like that.

What amazes me about that verse though, Moses didn't have that verse to lean on. But deep down some where inside of him he knew that in order to make it he needed God's presence to go on. And the children of Israel didn't have to beg for bread either. You know we should be very thankful that we have God's word. If we are going through something we can look back to different times in the Bible and say, "hey they made it through and so can I." Well I didn't intend for this blog to be this long, but my prayer for myself and others around me, "Please God go with us and continue to help us through our problems."

Monday, February 2, 2009

Prayer Request

My mom told me earlier this morning that she received a phone call from a lady from our church. She had received a phone call saying that Michael Combs had called and said to remember his wife in prayer. She has suffered a stroke. If you can, please say a prayer for her. Her name is Denise.

Also I decided that some people might not know who Michael Combs is. So I found a video of one of his songs. I haven't heard this song for years. I really enjoyed listening to it.